The program is sure to be informative, educational, and stimulating for both Stomal Therapy and Colorectal Nurses, with a focus on making every connection count
Opening address from Keynote speakers who have experienced life with a stoma
Invited Speaker – Amanda Palmer (CNC) from Skin Health Institute, Occupational Dermatology Research and Education Centre will present on Peristomal skin issues and Dermatitis prevention in Nurses
Abstract Presentations – Stoma, Wound and Skin
An engaging multi-disciplinary panel discussion (Nurses, Surgeons, Dietitian) with Q+A will look at Teamwork in patient care
Invited Speaker – Dr Emma Halmos (Dietitian) Senior Research Dietitian specialising in Gastrointestinal conditions
“Connecting all ages – Mind, body and Soul”
Keynote Speaker – Dr Bushra Othman – highlighting the challenges of practicing surgery in war zones
Abstract presentations: Ostomy, Wound and Continence
Post operative functional disorders - Pelvic Multidisciplinary panel
Sexual Health
“Reconnecting to the Future”
Day 3 will commence looking at the future of Nursing
Keynote Speaker - Dr Simon Knowles Gastro Psychologist will focus on Mind / Gut connection
Abstract presentations – Stoma, Wound and Continence
Invited Speaker – Emma Ludlow – The Insides System