ASA has made funds available for travel awards to assist Members wanting to attend the Society’s annual scientific meeting. Awards are made to ASA financial members presenting a proffered paper (oral or poster) at the meeting.  Applicants must have current ASA membership and must have been ASA members for at least the last 12 months. Recipients of an Award are required to write a report on the meeting for the ASA Newsletter.  

The awards consist of a return economy airfare, accommodation, and conference registration up to the value of AUD2,500. 

ASA members who wish to apply for this award are invited to submit their application to the ASA Secretary at by Friday 8th December 2023.  The application should include a copy of the abstract and for abstracts with more than one author, a letter stating the relative contribution of the applicant towards the research.


The ASA Poster Travel Award is awarded to an individual on the basis of a poster presented during the ASA's Annual Scientific Meeting. The applicant must have been a financial member of the ASA for at least the last twelve months. The award committee will consist of three ASA committee members or their nominees and will take into account the quality and originality of the poster. The award consists of a return economy airfare, accommodation and conference registration up to the value of AUD $2,500 for the recipient(s) to attend Antimicrobials 2025.


The ASA bioMérieux Identifying Resistance Travel Award is awarded to an individual on the basis of a proffered paper (oral or poster) presented during the ASA's Annual Scientific Meeting, dealing with the identification of antimicrobial resistance. The applicant must be a financial member of the ASA. The Award is restricted to ASA members residing in Australia or New Zealand. The award committee will take into account the quality and originality of the paper. The award consists of AUD $1,000 cash prize, a commemorative plaque, and the provisions of flights, accommodation and registration for the recipient to attend Antimicrobials 2025. The award committee will consist of three ASA members.

ICMS Pty Ltd

P: (+61) 3 9810 0200

Please contact the team at ICMS Pty Ltd with any questions regarding the Annual Scientific Meeting.
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